- All valid coupons should be presented to the cashier at the time of checkout.
- We accept only coupons that scan accurately at the register. No doubling.
- We do NOT accept expired coupons.
- Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash or gift cards.
- We do not accept coupons for items not carried in our store.
- The number of manufacturer coupons cannot exceed the number of items in the transaction.
- The total value of the coupons cannot exceed the value of the transaction.
- The use of 40 or more coupons per transaction, a transaction involving more than $100 in coupons or coupons totaling more than 20% of the gross sales price will require approval by a manager.
- Any applicable sales tax must be paid by the consumer.
- We reserve the right to reject any coupon or limit the number of coupons being used in a transaction.
We check for the CIC Hologram when a free product coupon with no separate purchase requirement is presented.
We will accept a manufacturer coupon for an item that is on sale.
- BOGO coupon cannot be “Chained” (i.e. two BOGO coupons cannot be used together on two items to get both for free). Unless stated otherwise on the coupon, the use of one BOGO coupon requires that two of the valid items are presented at checkout; one item will be charged to the consumer and the second will be discounted by its full retail price.
- In a BOGO transaction, a second cents–off coupon cannot be counted towards the purchase price of the first (Buy One) product.
- We accept valid internet/print at home coupons.
- Internet/Print at home coupons feature unique serial numbers (often referred to as Pin Numbers) printed on them and follow an industry-standard format. Coupons printed on home or office equipment without these features will not be accepted.
- We do not accept Internet/Print at home coupons valued in excess of 75% of the sale price of the product.
- We will reject coupons if they appear to be copied, distorted, blurry or altered.
- We monitor the CIC website for announcements of new counterfeit coupons.
- We will work with law enforcement authorities to prosecute individuals using counterfeit coupons.
If a consumer returns a product purchased with a coupon, the value of the coupon will be retained by the store so the funds can be refunded to the manufacturer. The coupon will not be returned to the customer. The cash refund to the consumer will be the consumer’s out-of-pocket cost, taking the coupon into account.